Academic Stuffs

Here are some of my efforts made during the period of four year undergraduate course of Computer Engineering. The stuffs available here might be useful to someone taking the same course. If you are using this resources, please inform me, so that i can know how people getting benefit with this.

Any questions regarding my stuffs are always accepted.

Title Introduction Resource (Download) Comment
Projects completed for the partial fulfillment of undergraduate course.
Stereo Vision Research Project in Stereo Vision. A prototype built on Java that calculates the disparity value(depth) from a stereo pair of images.Input to this is Stereo Pair Image & the result is dense depth map.
For Detail (Click Here)
For Detail Click Here.
CHIAA An Interpreter that translates the program written in High Level Language to an Assembly Language. The modules are written in C, and scanner and parser are generated with lex and yacc respectively. The platform used is Linux.

Report (chiaa_report.pdf), Executable File (chiaa),
Scanner Generator(chiaa.lex), Parser Generator(chiaa.yacc), Additional Module (chiaa.c), MakeFile (make),
Sample Files (input1, input2, input3, input4),
All in One (

Project work completed as part of Compiler Design Course. (This project was taken to UNNAYAN INTERNATIONAL 2003, and received a Second Prize in Open Software Competition.)
AGV An Autonomous Guided Vehicle. A Computer mounted on top of vehicle captures the front image and look ahead the direction of a black line on the floor and gives command to move the vehicle accordingly. Image Processing is done for the vehicle to autonomously choose the direction.
Report (final.pdf),
For Detail (Click Here)
The Image processing is done in Visual C++ and Microsoft Vision SDK Library. The interfacing is through Parallel port. For Source Code (Mail Me)
Hotelier Database Management System of a Dummy Hotel. System built on Visual Basic as front end and Microsoft Access as Back End. For source code: (Mail Me)
Computer Graphics Assignment (in Visual Basic)
Line Draw Draws the Line. Uses Bresenhams or DDA Line Drawing Algorithm. Limited to line of slope between 0 and 1 only.
Circle Draw In addition to above, this version Draws Circle using Eight Way Symmetry Method. Read the readme.txt file.
2D Transform Given a set of 2D points, this version performs several 2D operations on those data such as scale, rotate, reflect, shear. Read the readme.txt file.
Projection Orthographic Projection of a cube. Read the readme.txt file.
Some C Stuffs (My First Year Projects and some extra stuffs)
Line Editor Built on C, the program deals mainly with the editing of line of text. The program is a menu driven and user friendly and is easy to run. User is facilitated with several options for editing and also functions like save, print, open an existing file etc.
Executable File(project.exe),
Source Code(project.c),
All in One(
My First Project in C. There are lots of Limitation in this version in comparison to other Editors.
Linear Equations

Solution to linear equation (of three variables) by using Gaussian Elimination Method. Input is 4*3 matrix and output is solution to linear equations, i.e. values of x, y, & z.

Executable File (gauss.exe),
Source Code(gauss.c)
Number Conversion Roman Number to Arabic Number and Vice Versa.

NUM-TO-ROMAN (exe), (source).

ROMAN-TO-NUM (exe), (source).


[Note: The resources available is totally meant for research & educational purpose and may not be used for any commercial purpose. The programs(software) are built just for the purpose of practice or for the partial fulfillment of undergraduate course. These are PROVIDED AS IS . USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK]

If there is any missing link or for any help in using the above listed programs, contact me.

last modified on : July 10, 2003.