Stereo Vision

The basic idea of stereo vision is to find the information present in two images taken from different viewpoint and match the similarity between them to estimate the third dimension (i.e. the depth of a particular object in an image).

Among different types of stereo vision algorithms proposed, we ( me, Amol & Digdarshan) studied one of such algorithm and try to implement it in java. Here is the implementation:

Stereo : A package(built on java) that calculates the disparity from a pair of stereo images.
            Report [DOC] [PDF].
            Presentation [PPT]

There was a paper presentation by the same group in "Stereo Vision: An Introductory Approach" at First National level paper presentation organized by NCIT. Paper [PDF], Slide[PPT]

Related links of stereo vision: : An introduction on stereo vision. somebody new may try this one. : Another link with introduction to technical terms of stereo vision. You can try out yourself with real stereo pair of images to alculate disparity.

and many more...

Related paper:
An algorithm proposed for solving the stereoscopic matching problem by D. Marr & T. Poggio. [PDF] [PS]

last modified on : July 10, 2003.